Edit My Essay For Me Online Service

Let our team of professional writers take care of your essay!

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  • 100% Original Essay

Meet some of our best editting writing experts


900 Completed orders

  • Business and Entrepreneurship
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Stephen K.

53 Completed orders

  • Chemistry
  • Excel
  • Finance
  • Macroeconomics
  • Statistics
Tutor Derick

384 Completed orders

  • Nursing
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • English
Expert Chloe

228 Completed orders

  • Healthcare
  • Psychology
  • Science
  • Criminology
  • Nursing

573 Completed orders

  • Psychology
  • Finance
  • Nursing
  • English
  • Healthcare

231 Completed orders

  • Nursing
  • Healthcare
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Nutrition

161 Completed orders

  • Nursing
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  • Business and Entrepreneurship
Writer Elizabeth

213 Completed orders

  • Nursing
  • Psychology
  • Religion and Theology
  • English
  • Law and Legal Issues
Tutor Joanna

238 Completed orders

  • English
  • History
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Tutor Ezekiel

66 Completed orders

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4 steps to get your essay done

  • 1. Submit your instructions

    1. Submit your instructions

    Fill out the information form for our writer, provide all the details.

  • 2. Choose the writer

    2. Choose the writer

    Look through the list of our writers and choose the one you like best.

  • 3. Deposit your payment

    3. Deposit your payment

    Make a deposit, ensure you like the essay you get before actually paying for it.

  • 4. Revise your paper

    4. Revise your paper

    Read the paper carefully. Release the payment to the writer if satisfied.

By choosing Edusson Solutions you get covered by our Money back, Confidentiality, Plagiarism free guarantees.

Find out how much your coursework will cost

  • Payment system Visa
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Edussons Expertise Covers

Types of essay

  • Narrative
  • Definition
  • Descriptive
  • Cause and Effect
  • Expository
  • Analytical
  • Persuasive
  • Admission

Free features

  • A title page 3.99$ Free
  • A reference page 5.99$ Free
  • In-text citations 4.49$ Free
  • A Running head 3.99$ Free
  • Page numbers 2.49$ Free
  • Originality check 14.99$ Free

Get all those features for 35.94$ FREE

Who Can Edit My Essay? Edusson Сan!

You have finished writing the essay for school and what is the next thing you’re going to do? Submit it immediately? Wrong! The essay has to be edited first!

Even though you want to finish the essay as soon as possible and get it over with, it still needs more work in order to impress your professor, counselor, or any other reader (depending on the purpose of the essay). Also, we can write for you Term Paper.

Why can’t I edit the essay myself?

The reason why you should never edit an essay on your own is that it is difficult to analyze your writing objectively. That’s a common phenomenon, we see our content the way we have pictured it in our mind, not the way it really is.

Edusson is the best place to seek for essay editing help. Our highly skilled team of professional writers and editors are ready to take the quality of your essay to a whole new level.

Why get your essay edited

  • Checking sentences and paragraphs to ensure smooth and logical flow
  • Ensuring the essay is logical and concise
  • First impressions matter
  • Introducing structure and balance to the essay
  • Making sure supporting ideas are relevant and contribute to the essay thesis
  • Proofreading for grammar, spelling, and syntax mistakes that you have missed while re-reading the paper
  • Turning a seemingly ordinary text into a high-quality, professionally written essay

Edusson is one of the most trusted platforms for all your coursework needs. Our team has experienced and qualified writers and editors. You can buy PhD research proposal, edit book reports, and get other coursework from our experts. We are here to help you complete your assignments on time.

Most common essay writing mistakes

  • Comma splices
  • Confusing introduction/conclusion
  • Contractions
  • Inadequate quoting, citing, paraphrasing
  • Incomplete sentences
  • Inconsistent tense
  • Lack of evidence
  • Lack of substance i.e. ideas aren’t fully developed and discussed
  • Missing commas
  • Plot summaries instead of plot analysis
  • Run-on sentences
  • Spelling
  • Skipping post essay writing stages
  • Failing to recognize the need for professional writing and editing assistance

Why use Edusson professional essay editing service

Edusson’s team of editors and proofreaders is here to make all the necessary edits in order to make your essay stand out. Detecting mistakes on your own can be difficult, it happens to everyone; we always miss certain irregularities. When we realize the paper isn’t edited properly, it is already too late. Unlike many other professional writing services which stick to editing only, Edusson does so much more. We put your arguments to the test and evaluate whether they contribute to the thesis you have made in the introduction.

Our goal is not only to correct grammar and spelling but to analyze sentence structures, an organization of the essay, and boost the quality of the entire paper. In most cases, the underlying problems in the essay are only visible with closer inspection. Whether you want to buy personal statements or edit speech writing, our experts are here. Our editors are trained to do just that; they easily spot something you have probably overlooked.

Don’t be alarmed, all students experience equal struggles. Academic writing entails different rules and strict standards. Of course, your creativity will suffer. Our creativity doesn’t do well with constraints and it takes time to learn how to overcome them.

Edusson’s team of editors and proofreaders has years and years of experience they use to overcome these common obstacles and ensure your essay is not only free of mistakes, but creative, and according to the required standards. With us, turning a seemingly ordinary piece of writing into a sophisticated essay seems so easy. The best thing of all, we have more affordable prices and better reputation than other services!

Seeking professional assistance also showcases your responsibility and perfectionism. You do not want to submit an essay that is weak in quality and comprised with mistakes that are easy to fix.
Edusson represents the future of essay writing and editing through a multifaceted approach to ensure quality and represent your core values, needs, beliefs, and preferences.

With the help of our experts, you can score good grades on your paper. Our writers follow the APA format and academic writing styles that can make your paper the best among your peer. If you need any APA paper writing help, you can contact us anytime. Simply order a paper from our website and stay stress-free!

Perks of using Edusson’s essay editing service:

  • 100% unique and original content
  • 1000+ essay editors
  • 24/7 customer service through live chat option
  • Confidentiality
  • Expert editing staff
  • Fast turnaround
  • Full transparency
  • High-quality editing services
  • Improve your own writing
  • Money back guarantee
  • No more mistakes
  • No wordiness or redundancy
  • Paper is written in proper academic level
  • Proofreading every sentence
  • Reasonable prices
  • Safety and privacy

We Edit your Paper for:

  • Consistency
  • Correcting your English
  • Evidence
  • Flow improvements
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Quality or arguments
  • Run-on sentence
  • Sentence fragments
  • Spelling
  • Thesis strength
  • Word choice

Our paper editor makes sure every sentence is

  • Complete
  • Concise
  • Contributing the overall context of the essay
  • Correctly formatted
  • Easy to read and understand
  • Free of common mistakes that occur during the essay writing process
  • Grammatically correct
  • In the active voice
  • Punctuated properly

How does it work?

  • Register – use an active email address to set up an account in order to proceed to the next step
  • Make an order – provide basic information about the essay, some important notes or instructions, as well as any additional info that will help the editor enhance the quality of the paper
  • Upload document - self-explanatory, upload the file that needs editing
  • Choose an editor – you have the option to choose one out of more than 1000 editors available on Edusson
  • Collaborate – as a client you can message your editor at any time. In fact, we encourage collaboration as it leads to improved results and successful completion of the project
  • Make a payment – payments are made when you’re happy with the edited essay, without additional fees or charges


Is Edusson’s server secure?

Of course! One of our top priorities is to ensure information shared by our clients is safe and secure. Moreover, details are not shared with third parties and every client has the maximum protection.

What file formats do you accept?

We accept documents uploaded in the following formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, pptx, .odt, .rtf.

English is my second language/I’m an English language learner, will you charge more for editing my essay?

No, we will not. What makes Edusson stand out are affordable prices, no hidden fees, and clients who aren’t native speakers who don’t pay more than their counterparts. In fact, our paper editing and writing services can also help you improve your English. You’ll know how to improve the structure of sentences, write in an active voice, elaborate arguments, etc.

Do you edit references as well?

We understand formatting references is not the easiest thing in the world, and many writers/students make a mistake or two. The editing process includes proper formatting, which also involves references. Not to worry, references in your essay will be professionally edited. Don't overthink if it is right to ask Edusson's professionals, "Can they edit or write my thesis correctly?" Just order your paper and see the results yourself.

How do you select editors for your team?

Edusson is proud to have a team of highly skilled and talented editors who made it through our strict selection criteria. To maintain (and improve) quality of service, we have a long list of requirements and criteria every editor/proofreader has to meet. Potential editors go through a testing phase where we evaluate their skills and ability to complete the process within a given deadline. Only those who pass these strict tests become a part of our team. This allows clients to relax knowing their essay is in good hands.

I have a document that is highly specialized in its subject area. How do I know it will be edited properly?

More than 1000 editors and proofreaders are available on Edusson. We choose persons with necessary qualifications and certifications from different niches. That way, your paper is edited by an editor who is specialized for the specific subject of your essay.

My essay has a specific word count that must not increase during the editing process. Is that possible?

Of course! We encourage our clients to provide additional information that could be of huge use to the editor. If your essay shouldn’t increase the word count after editing, feel
free to let us know.

I would like to improve my writing and proofreading skills, can you help me with that?

Yes! Benefits of using Edusson go beyond writing and proofreading/editing services. One of our major objectives is to help our clients improve their own skills through self- help resources. The website provides a number of articles about different types of essays, editing and proofreading, as well as samples that you can use to improve. I have a few questions about the process. How can I contact you?

Our customer support is available 24/7 via live chat. In addition, you can contact us by sending an email to [email protected].

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  • An expansive database of examples to help brainstorm topic ideas and jumpstart your own paper

  • A great source for self-education with a useful and up-to-date digest of writing guides and student tips