Health Care

Essay examples
Essay topics

15 Empowering Nursing: A Philosophy of Compassion and Continuous Learning

The Personal Evolution of Nursing Philosophy The philosophy of nursing varies amongst individual views of people, environment, nursing, and the role of the nurse. Before studying nursing, I had always admired nurses and their interaction with patients, which attracted me to choose nursing. I like caring and want to make a difference. My undertaking is […]

16 Nursing from Occupation to Profession

Personal Reflections on Nursing Nursing has always been the most exciting and challenging career for me. I have been a licensed nurse for a little more than a year now, and driving home tonight from a supposedly 12-hour shift that turned into a 16-hour shift, where my brain and body are just exhausted, this is […]

17 Nursing Shortages: Strategies for Retention & Patient Care

Improving Nursing Retention With the constant shortage of nurses acknowledged, the staffing and retention of nurses continue to be an area of concern. In many hospital settings, improving nursing retention is a challenge and leaves most facilities short-handed. The goal is to keep nurses in the organization. Most nurses work twelve-hour shifts or longer, and […]

19 Tackling Nursing Shortage: Patient Care, Solutions & RN Transition

Nursing Shortage’s Impact on Patient Safety The topic of my choice that I have researched is the nursing shortage that I see during my clinical rotation. There are not always enough nurses on the floor for the acuity of patients that are admitted. The articles I reviewed give reasons on why the shortage exists, how […]

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