
Essay examples
Essay topics

1 Schizophrenia: Unveiling Pathology, Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction At around age fifteen, I was browsing around YouTube and found myself looking at various random video clips. Soon enough, I found a specific video that caught my attention. The video was a schizophrenia simulation, and I found it interesting because the video showed different aspects of a psychotic episode from a patient with […]

2 Complex Etiology of Schizophrenia: Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis

Introduction According to Gray and Zide (2013), Schizophrenia is characterized by a broad range of behaviors marked by a loss of a person’s sense of self, significant impairment in reality testing, and disturbances in feelings, thinking, and behavior. There are five subtypes of Schizophrenia: paranoid, catatonic, disorganized, undifferentiated, and residual type. The causes of the […]

3 Gender Differences in Schizophrenia: Examining Long-Term Treatment Outcomes

Introduction Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which a person’s ability to think, feel, and behave appropriately is affected. A person who is schizophrenic may experience delusions, hallucinations, suicidal ideation, and other cognitive difficulties. Schizophrenia usually appears between late adolescence and early adulthood and can often be a lifelong struggle. In Cechnicki, Bielańska, Mętel, Susz, […]

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4 Understanding Schizophrenia: Unveiling the Complexity of a Mental Disorder

Introduction How would you react if you woke up one day and just felt off? You’d probably go about your day and carry on as usual. Days and weeks would go by, and you probably wouldn’t notice that feeling worsening or even notice anything different at all. Over time, you might start distancing yourself more […]

5 Unraveling the Complexities of Schizophrenia: Quality of Life

Introduction Schizophrenia: the “cancer” of mental illness. Schizophrenia is the most severe and debilitating psychiatric disorder that exists. This disorder affects about 1% of the population worldwide (Owen & Mortensen, 2016). Although the percentage may not seem significant, the actual number of people affected is huge. While there are several different causes of schizophrenia, most […]