
Essay examples
Essay topics

1 Cryptocurrency in India: Embracing the Digital Future of Economic Transactions

Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money that is based on blockchain technology and secured by cryptography. To understand cryptocurrency, we need to understand three basic terminologies – blockchain, decentralization, and cryptography. In simple words, A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. A blockchain stores information electronically in […]

2 Cryptocurrency: Aeon’s Mobile Privacy Vision

Cryptocurrency: Aeon’s Lightweight Privacy Pivot Today, Cryptocurrency has become a global phenomenon. Almost everyone who is in the shed of the digital age has been buying them, selling them, or simply investing in them. While still somehow geeky and difficult for people to grasp, most of the companies, governments, and banks are aware of the […]

3 Artificial Intelligence’s Dual Impact: US-China Geopolitical Race

Navigating the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence: US-China Competition and Geopolitical Dynamics The growing artificial intelligence race between America and China has a significant impact on both militaries, trading systems, and one of America’s great fears- communism. According to the Wall Street Journal, planners at the Pentagon called China’s growing military forces a “palpable sense of […]

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4 Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting Modern Industries and Giants

Embracing the Future: The Transformative Impact of AI, Robotics, and Modern Banking Technologies Advancing in technology has served a great benefit to most industries. While being a great benefit, it has also hurt a lot of industries as well. AI has infiltrated the business world and is taking down businesses faster than companies can keep […]

5 Deciding the Right Age for a Child’s First Cell Phone

At what age should you give your child a cell phone? Cell phones are the best way for us to stay connected to one another, but are our children of age to have one? For parents, it’s not only their age that they’re concerned about. Before you add another phone line to your account, think […]

6 The Detrimental Impact of Cell Phones on Education

Cell Phones: A Cheating Catalyst A student with a cell phone is an unenthusiastic student, one with a short ability to mentally focus on something that cares more about spending time with and talking with people than education. Cell phones can be a great useful thing/valuable supply in our everyday lives, but they should be […]

7 The Impact of Cell Phones in Classrooms: A Double-Edged Sword

Cell Phone Distractions: Undermining Academic Success and Well-being Nowadays, technology is really common and is used by everyone, everywhere. It can be really useful in some cases, such as hospitalization and organization, but it also has negative impacts on humans. The majority of students in schools around the world have access to the most common […]

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