
Essay examples
Essay topics

1 Equity and Accountability: The DACA Dilemma and Immigrant Youth

DACA: Empowering a Better Life for Undocumented Youth Should one be held accountable for the acts and/or decisions of others? As a minor, most, if not all, of our decisions are made by our parents, including where we live and relocating. Many immigrants did not choose to move to a new country illegally. It was […]

2 Exploring Immigration: A Focus on DACA and Its Implications

Historical Context: Native Americans and Early Settlers Let’s start by saying that we are all immigrants; the only exception would have to be the Native Americans. Native Americans were the first to get to America; exactly how they got to America is still a mystery. Settlers began to claim Indian land; some Indians resisted and […]

3 An Analysis of DACA, Travel Bans, and Border Security

The DACA Conundrum: A Battle for the Dreamers President Trump fights for the American people and their industries. This is also the reason why Trump is initiating and pushing these immigration laws. He wants to help protect the jobs of American citizens. In the article “Donald Trump on Immigration,” author Kimberly Amadeo illustrates the pros […]

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4 Navigating America’s Future: The DACA Dilemma and Immigration Policy

Separating Families: The Impact of “Zero Tolerance” Policy For all of America’s history, we’ve always had people who migrated here for different reasons. One of the major ones is that America is seen as the land of opportunity. In the land of the free, many people come from more hostile areas or just do not […]

5 The Complex Realities of Illegal Immigration: Chasing the American Dream

Immigration has been going on for who knows how long. Immigration isn’t only about Mexican Immigrants crossing the border from all the southwestern states. Immigration is considered any kind of people from different races coming in that isn’t American. In this case, I will focus on immigration from our southern neighbor, Mexico. Immigration was an […]

6 Impact of Illegal Immigration on American Families

Immigration and Its Impact on Children People who migrate tend to get caught, or they have kids to care for, and they get taken away by the government because they come to America. Kids do not know what to do when they are in this situation. They are just wondering what is going to happen […]

7 Illegal Immigration: ‘The Immigration Paradox’ Revealed

Possibly one of the most significant films of the century. The Immigration Paradox takes a critical and detailed look at immigration: one of the most upsetting issues in global human history. On a hunt for answers to this complex social issue, filmmaker Lourdes Lee Vasquez set out to understand why people would risk their lives […]

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