Social Issues

Essay examples
Essay topics

92 Over Criminalization of Black Lives Matter: Impact of Political Policies

Black Lives Matter: The Over-Criminalization of Black Individuals In recent years there has been a lot of scrutiny about the injustices that exist in the justice system; one of the major injustices is the over-criminalization of black men and women. Black men are six times more likely to get incarcerated in federal and state prisons […]

94 The Ethical and Moral Concerns Surrounding Assisted Suicide

Unintended Consequences of Legalizing Assisted Suicide When you think about a topic with many opinions and views, Physician-Assisted Suicide comes to mind. Is Physician-Assisted Suicide morally right? Physician-assisted suicide is a controversial topic in ethics. Many people are arguing if it is ethically unethical. The reason for their argument is if a goat can be […]

95 The Resounding Impact of the Black Lives Matter Movement

The Tragic Killing of George Floyd “On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was killed by an Officer in the Minneapolis Police Department. The officer used his knee to pin Floyd’s neck to the ground for over eight minutes. As you read, you might think oh, another black man just killed, but […]

96 Autonomy, Dignity & Assisted Suicide: Terminal Illness Case

I. Assisted suicide should be an option for terminally ill patients The topic discussed in this paper is assisted suicide as an option for terminally ill patients. Assisted suicide for terminally ill patients consists of a terminally ill patient requesting that a physician write a prescription for a medication that intentionally results in the patient’s […]

97 When Will Black Lives Matter? Unveiling the Journey Toward Equality and Justice

Understanding the Roots of BLM and Racial Injustice The big question is when will BLM be? For BLM to matter, some changes must be made. Segregation and racism against people of color in the United States have always been a subject of discussion for decades, perhaps centuries, where different figures have called on the people […]

98 The Evolution and Impact of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Origins of the Black Lives Matter Movement The Black Lives Matter movement began in 2013, following the loss of life of Trayvon Martin, an African-American teenager who was shot whilst walking to a family friend’s residence, and the following acquittal of George Zimmerman, the police officer who shot him. The phrase’ black lives matter’ was […]

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