A Comparative Analysis of Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands

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Comparing Outcasts: Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands, both characters have been put in a place where they both don’t fit in and are rejected in many ways. They’re different from everyone else and are scary and vulnerable. Edward Scissorhands was accepted before he was betrayed by a group of high school kids that were bullies. After Edward came out from his hiding place, everyone welcomed him. Sadly, Frankenstein, the Monster, didn’t get the same treatment. Instantly after being created, he was rejected first by the man who created him.

Unlike Frankenstein, Edward had a chance to fit into society and live a normal life. Frankenstein never was given a chance because nobody would take the risk of talking to him because he was big, scary, and ugly. Frankenstein and Edward both are betrayed after they put their trust in people to do the right thing, which doesn’t work out like they hoped and thought. Another similarity is the way that the two stories end with them both being sad and all alone. Both creations are discriminated against in the way that they look. These two were just looking for acceptance and someone that they could call a friend who wouldn’t judge them or mistreat them.

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A Comparative Analysis of Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands
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Childhood Impressions and Character Sympathies

It’s sad reading about these characters because they got so mistreated. Before I read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, I never imagined how dark it’d be. I’m always so used to reading the Kiddie version, which is brighter than the original. I also find it surprising how similar Frankenstein and Edward are. I remember being young and watching the movie Edward Scissorhands and crying because I got so sad that the kids left him behind, and he took the blame for breaking into the house. I don’t think he had a clue about what was going on.

Kim, the daughter of the woman that was hosting him, had feelings for him even when she had a boyfriend. On the night they left Edward behind, Kim was trying to save him. It made me mad that Kim’s boyfriend Jim had his group and Edward break into his own house and then lick him in a room he can’t get out of. To me, that’s so messed up because Edward didn’t know any better. He was just learning people skills.

Darkness of Frankenstein’s Tale

Frankenstein, on the other hand, was much darker than Edward Scissorhands. Victor felt bad for his creation, and he ended up started making his significant other. Then he stopped, and Frankenstein didn’t like that. so he decided to kill Victor’s wife so he could feel the same pain. This shows that Frankenstein doesn’t have the right people skills. He even kills victors’ little brother, William. I also feel like, therefore, Victor shouldn’t mess with life and death.

The Desire for Acceptance

At least Edward’s scissors hands never meant any harm to anybody and were always nice, even to people that didn’t deserve it. So, a difference between these two creations is that one has sympathy and empathy while the other was just so neglected and mistreated he didn’t know right from wrong and did what he wanted. In conclusion, Edward and Frankenstein have similarities when it comes to wanting to be accepted and looking for a friend and company.


  1. Shelley, Mary. “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.” Project Gutenberg, www.gutenberg.org/files/84/84-h/84-h.htm.
  2. Burton, Tim, director. “Edward Scissorhands.” 20th Century Fox, 1990.

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A Comparative Analysis of Frankenstein and Edward Scissorhands. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/a-comparative-analysis-of-frankenstein-and-edward-scissorhands

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