Answering the Calling: Nurses as Society’s Pillars of Health

Health Care
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The Historical Significance and Current Need for Nurses

The society that we live in has roles. Everyone must play theirs for all the moving parts of society to function as a whole. In my opinion, the most important people in society are those who care for the weak, the ill, and the old. That is because societies and communities can only exist with healthy people. Nurses play a key role in making that happen. The prospect of being a nurse excites me. I would like to be a functional and useful member of the medical fraternity. Nursing school is, for me, a practical and desirable step in that direction.

All through history, nurses have been the people who were human enough to look beyond economic, cultural, and racial boundaries. Florence Nightingale took the courageous step of serving everyone at a time when it was not fashionable to do so. She set the stage for the evolution of nursing as a respectable profession. Today, the increasing population and the diversifying health needs of all walks of the population make the need for qualified nurses even more. Advancing society requires equally advanced medical caregivers. Advancement means education, gaining new skills, and identifying the next challenges that the evolving demands that medicine places on nurse practitioners.

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Answering the Calling: Nurses as Society's Pillars of Health
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A Personal Journey into Nursing

Nursing is more than just a profession for me. I think that it is a calling that not many people have. I believe that I have a passion for helping people to heal and cope better with their medical conditions. When I see people who have a medical affliction, I tend to think of helping the individual since I am compassionate. The most enduring quality of any nurse is empathy and a desire to fully participate in the caregiving process, aside from the main parameters of prescribing and administering healthcare interventions. As a person, I have always been taking care of wounded stray animals, in addition to taking care of family members and friends whenever they fell ill.

As a nurse, I believe that I would be an even more productive member of society with my personality. Healthcare often involves implementing interventions that are not obvious. Medical interventions require technical know-how that can only be found in Nursing School. It is here that I can find my specific passions in nursing healthcare. Schools impart knowledge to the minds, culturing us and making it possible to help medical care real for the myriad of challenges that the current society faces.

Nursing Education: A Journey of Growth and Impact

In addition to that, the nursing school also embeds learners in networks that enrich their minds and entrench them in various spheres of the profession. As a nurse equipped with the requisite skill set, I would have the ability to care for society beneficially, both as a paid professional and in an altruistic capacity. As a nurse, I will be able to care for many types of people. I find personal fulfillment in solving problems and have a knack for solving problems by providing innovative solutions that can improve the operational efficiencies of set practices.

Nursing school is an avenue for personal growth for me. I bring a willingness to learn, apply myself to my studies, and be a functional member of the student body. I would be eternally grateful for the opportunity to grow in the profession.


  1. Bostridge, M. (2008). Florence Nightingale: The Making of an Icon. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  2. McDonald, L. (2014). Florence Nightingale: A Very Brief History. SPCK.
  3. “Florence Nightingale: The Pioneer of Nursing”. (2019).

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Answering the Calling: Nurses as Society's Pillars of Health. (2023, Aug 23). Retrieved from

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