Career Goals: Business Administration vs. Mobile App Development

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Business Administration: Stability and Organizational Leadership

Are you positive you are on the right career path? Have you ever considered changing your major? These are some of the questions that undoubtedly every college student has to answer at some point in their college life. I am not the exception. Though we all may have different reasons as to why we choose one career over another, ultimately, we all want something that is financially rewarding. In search of the best career option for me, I compared the salary, benefits, and flexibility of Business Administration, Mobile App Developer, and Security Code Auditor. The criteria I used to compare my three career choices based on importance were salary, which represented 60% weight; Benefits, which represented 20% weight. Flexibility also represented 20% of weight.

Once I gathered information on each career, I gave each criterion section a rating depending on how well it met the requirements. The product of both the weight and the rating gave me a final weighted score for each criterion. Based on my research, Business Administration had the highest weighted score of 54% in salary, and Mobile App Developer scored the highest in benefits and flexibility, with benefits being 15% and flexibility 19%.

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Career Goals: Business Administration vs. Mobile App Development
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Business Administration basically means overseeing all the activities that are required to keep its activities running. This includes organizing the right people by giving them specific tasks, managing business assets, making decisions that drive the business to meet its daily goals, and enforcing ethical practices of all employees. Some of the traits one must have for this career are great organizational skills, the ability to work with others, staying up to date with technology, and the ability to make split-second decisions. Though some employees may hire someone based on their prior knowledge of the job, most require a college degree in addition to prior learned knowledge.

Higher Education in Business: Salary, Benefits, and Flexibility

A Bachelor’s degree is preferred, but many go on to obtain their master’s since it opens them to many more opportunities, like job security and higher pay. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2017, the median pay was $94,020 dollars per year or $45.20 per hour, with an expected job growth rate of 10% by 2026. Based on this information, I rated this career’s salary 90, which came to a 54% weighted score.

The benefit of this career is that it offers job security if one processes the required knowledge and expertise. This position offers at least 40 hours per week, and it has room for advancement. In benefits, this career rated at 50, with a weighted score of 10%. On the other hand, job flexibility received a rating of 60 with a weighted score of 12%. The flexibility of this career is that once a degree is obtained, one can seek employment anywhere. The only downfall is that the pay scale is not the same nationwide. There is also a possibility of one setting one’s own work schedule based on the hours of operation of the facility or employer.

Mobile App Developer: Flexibility and Innovation at Your Fingertips

Mobile App Developers, also known as software developers, are the innovative personalities behind PC programs. Some build up applications that enable individuals to do explicit errands on a mobile gadget or PC. Others build up the hidden frameworks that run the gadgets or control systems. A bachelor’s degree is required in addition to lengthy computer knowledge and training. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay in 2017 was $103,560 per year or $49.79 per hour. Of course, pay varies by location and experience. Based on this information, I rated the Mobile App Developer salary 80, which resulted in a total weighted score of 48%. This career is flexible and easy to adapt depending on one’s needs and wants.

Since a lot of the work can be done from remote access, mobile app developers have the option to work from home and even open their own businesses. A mobile app developer in San Diego stated that he loves the work hours offered by his company without too many demands on a dress code and that he loves making money while he gets to play with the latest cutting-edge technology.

On the other hand, he is not too happy with the long hours he ends up working and all the stress that he endures with having too much to do and getting paid much lower than the current market value. I don’t agree much with the idea of working extremely long hours and being under constant pressure. I rated this career a 75 in benefits and a 95 in flexibility. The total weighted score for benefits was 15% and 19% for flexibility. Overall, this career had the highest weighted score of 82%, making it a very good career option.


  1. All Business Schools. (2020). Understanding Business Administration: Roles and Responsibilities.
  2. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Business and Financial Occupations. U.S. Department of Labor.
  3. Collins, J. (2019). A Guide to Changing Majors: Making Informed Decisions. Higher Education Press.

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Career Goals: Business Administration vs. Mobile App Development. (2023, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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