Diversity Beyond Fashion: The True Value of Anti-Discrimination

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Diversity in Anti-Discrimination Solutions: An Introduction

This article gives a summary of the three anti-discrimination solutions that consist of equality, diversity, and inclusion. Over the past years, the concept of diversity has become more popular. The most important part of these approaches to diversity is to know how the approaches are put together, how people get an interest in the approach, as well as the connection and transition between the approaches.

Diversity’s Evolution and Impact on Organizations

The analysis that was conducted shows that the discourse of diversity has followed a similar procedure as the management fashion. That being said, two important questions have increased. Firstly, does it indicate that these discourses are fashions? Secondly, does it actually indicate that the use of rhetoric and the procedures of adoption are actually the same? Even though anti-discrimination approaches of diversity and inclusion are there to manage fashion, people must not treat it in a fashion way because they have two distinctive features.

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Diversity Beyond Fashion: The True Value of Anti-Discrimination
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The first distinguishing factor is that Anti-discrimination approaches are very important, persuasive, and enduring, which affects organizations in very important and enduring ways. In contrast, management fashions do not have the same in-depth impact on stakeholders or organizations. The second distinguishing factor is that the discrimination approaches are used together, whereas management fashions are not used together.

Diversity Trends: Beyond Rhetoric to Action

Diversity has become more and more important over time. The bibliometric analysis and subsequent investigation of patterns have made it possible to contribute in the following ways. Firstly, that anti-discrimination approaches go through cycles of popularity. Secondly, people treated the problems related to equality, diversity, and inclusion approaches as if they were a fashion to them. Thirdly, it was also identified that anti-discrimination must be used together rather than apart.

The analysis that was conducted enables us to make temporary predictions about what future approaches will look like in employment. The forecasts were the following: that inclusion discourse will become more popular, and that rhetorical distancing from diversity will decline. Finally, and most importantly, this analysis will help practitioners to acknowledge already formed fashion-oriented rhetoric and motivate them to move away from it and rather to start focusing on a repertoire of approaches. Practitioners need to focus more on diversity and actually implement diversity strategies to ensure that their company will perform at its very best.


  1. Adams, J. (2017). Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Contemporary Approaches in Business. Oxford University Press.

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Diversity Beyond Fashion: The True Value of Anti-Discrimination. (2023, Aug 24). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/diversity-beyond-fashion-the-true-value-of-anti-discrimination

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