Examining the Abortion Debate: Ethics, Rights, and Controversy

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Historical Context and Definition of Abortion

There are many pressing, contentious problems in our world today. The majority of them have to do with our ethics, morality, and beliefs, which gives rise to a very strong yes or no, or good and bad side. The topic of abortion is one of these topics. The term ‘abortion’ refers to the removal or evacuation of an embryo or fetus in order to end a pregnancy.

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Examining the Abortion Debate: Ethics, Rights, and Controversy
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Abortion procedures were created to spread knowledge as early as 1550 BC when the Egyptian medical text Ebers Papyrus proposed that the vaginal insertion of plant fiber wrapped in honey and crushed dates may induce an abortion. As specified by World Health Organization, Abortion is a common health intervention. It states that it is safe when carried out using a method recommended by WHO, appropriate to the pregnancy duration, and by someone with the necessary skills.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle stated that ‘when couples have children in excess, let abortion be obtained before sense and life have begun,’ indicating that abortion was acceptable in ancient Greece and Rome. As long as the procedure was carried out before the fetus’s first detectable movement, which can happen between 13 and 25 weeks of pregnancy, abortion was not regarded as a criminal act. In contrast, abortion has been illegal in the Philippines for more than a century.

Abortion procedures and methods were allowed and freely publicized throughout the United States and other nearby countries until at least the early 1800s. There are no exceptions to criminal laws against abortion, including ones that would permit it to save the pregnant woman’s life or preserve her health. Under Spanish colonial control, abortion was made a crime under the Penal Code of 1870. The penal prohibitions were then integrated into the Revised Penal Code, which was enacted in the Philippines during the American occupation in 1930.

Societal Implications and Cultural Views

Similar to the Chinese yin and yang symbol, abortion has a strong black-and-white side but also hints of both in the contrasting color. This shows that even if you decided on an abortion decision on abortion, there would still be negative consequences, which is the main reason why people around the world cannot come to a consensus on this delicate and emotive subject. However, if we take a more pessimistic view, we can see that abortion contradicts God’s Word, violates the child’s human rights, and harms the mother’s health.

Arguments for Legalizing Abortion

Abortion should be included in a country’s contraceptive policy. People should plan their families, and society needs to support women in ending unintended births and dealing with birth control failures. As a result, despite being discouraged, abortion should be legal. Legal because you have control over what grows inside your body and a choice. It also won’t stop happening if you make it illegal. Simply put, it shows how dangerous and life-threatening procedures are often forced on women. Women in the Philippines lack access to birth control, are subject to unsafe abortions, and are more prone to abuse in the healthcare system as a result of the criminal abortion law and the country’s discriminatory culture.

In other words, banning abortions won’t halt abortions; instead, women will just turn to hazardous and illegal means of getting an abortion. It is, therefore, preferable to offer women safe and legal means of getting an abortion. According to Ana Maria ‘Princess’ Nemenzo, who spoke at a forum on behalf of the Center for Reproductive Rights, Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), and Philippine Safe Abortion Advocacy Network (Pinsan), the Philippines should end the criminalization of abortion, as it increases the number of abortions, complications, injuries, and maternal deaths. Abortion should also be made legal for rape victims, as having a child after a traumatic experience can be detrimental to them for life.

The Rights of the Unborn and Ethical Considerations

Abortion procedures violate the human rights of children. Because life begins at fertilization, pregnant women already have certain rights.  Because it violates the idea that all human life is sacred and untouchable, prenatal diagnosis must be vehemently forbidden as a means of achieving discriminatory goals. According to Article II of the 1987 Philippine Section 12 of the Constitution, The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution.

The right to life is a fundamental human right that governs all other existing rights; without it, all other fundamental rights would cease to exist. For children, the right to life is the opportunity to be able to live and have the possibility to grow, develop, and become adults. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.

Consequently, everyone has the legal right to life, which is acknowledged by all countries. It is Every right in existence is subject to this fundamental right. All other essential rights are meaningless without this one. For children, the right to life is having the opportunity to live, as well as the chance to develop, grow, and mature into adults. The right to have one’s life protected from the moment of birth and the right to be able to live and develop healthily healthy manner are both crucial components of this right. Abortion must follow the law. It is forbidden and ought to be considered cruel and irrational, utterly unethical human behavior for the reason that every child has the right to survive.

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Examining the Abortion Debate: Ethics, Rights, and Controversy. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/examining-the-abortion-debate-ethics-rights-and-controversy

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