Exploring the Essence of Freedom of Speech: Controversies, and Social Impact

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Understanding Freedom of Speech

This is my essay on freedom of speech, and for those who don’t know what freedom of speech is, it’s the right to speak your mind and the right to freedom of expression, even if it’s offensive. Freedom of speech is also the first amendment which is on the Bill of Rights. In today’s world, no one can get jailed or fined for what they say or write. The past or origin of freedom of speech dates back to a speech by U.S. President Franklin D Roosevelt in 1941 on the 6th of January. He mainly talked about the four different freedoms like freedom of speech, freedom from want, freedom of worship, and freedom from fear.

Rights and Interpretations

We are all fortunate enough to have the freedom of speech; it is given to us as Americans living in the US under the American Constitution. We find the right to speak out and say what we believe in the first amendment of the Constitution. Freedom of speech is taken in a couple of ways; some of these are positive, and some may not have the same positive spin as I was saying earlier. Some people think we can say anything we like, no matter how controversial it may be, without fear of punishment. Some think that freedom of speech only protects speech, whereas some believe it protects art, writing, and any type of expression.

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Exploring the Essence of Freedom of Speech: Controversies, and Social Impact
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Impacts on Society and Media

Freedom of expression tends to play a huge role for the press and media as it allows different points of view as far as political views, even though they are controversial. Another benefit that comes with this freedom is people can assemble for peaceful protests. This was true in 2017, which is when the LGBT community won the right to same-gender marriage. They had the freedom to celebrate publicly and express themselves. Along with positive opinions on freedom of speech, there is also another side, the con or against freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech means we are able to say what we like about others, which can sometimes lead to misleading facts published on the Internet or media. Freedom of speech lets us assemble if we would like for peaceful protests. Although the intentions may be to keep peaceful, it is not uncommon for protests to become violent or lead to a huge political issue. Another issue could be protecting our military; though they do have the freedom of speech, the operation security could be compromised due to this.

Historical Significance of the First Amendment

“The First Amendment played a crucial role in the epic struggles of the civil rights movement of 1950 when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and others engaged in sit-ins, protests, and marches to encourage social change.” Without the First Amendment, protesters could not have assembled and voiced their work toward the end of segregation laws. Without the First Amendment, the press would not have been able to report what they believed or wanted to write about on civil rights abuses. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr exercised his First Amendment freedoms by facing arrests multiple times, all because he challenged local officials and tried to push society toward social change. This is why freedom of speech is so important and why I think it’s the most important freedom.


  1. U.S. Constitution. Amendment I. Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute. https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/first_amendment (Accessed: August 15, 2023).
  2. “The Four Freedoms.” Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. https://www.fdrlibrary.org/four-freedoms (Accessed: August 15, 2023).
  3. “Freedom of Speech.” American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). https://www.aclu.org/issues/free-speech (Accessed: August 15, 2023).
  4. “Freedom of Expression.” United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. https://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/freedomopinion/pages/freedomofexpression.aspx (Accessed: August 15, 2023).
  5. “The Importance of the First Amendment.” NewseumED. https://newseumed.org/first-amendment-freedoms/lesson-plan/the-importance-of-the-first-amendment (Accessed: August 15, 2023).

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Exploring the Essence of Freedom of Speech: Controversies, and Social Impact. (2023, Aug 15). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/exploring-the-essence-of-freedom-of-speech-controversies-and-social-impact

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