Julius Caesar & Bhutto: Power, Responsibility, and Leadership’s Cost

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Julius Caesar: Power and Persona

“Julius Caesar” and “Ideas Live On” share many central ideas of power and responsibility of the government. They were also different in many central ideas, which makes it interesting to see who held more power in the stories and which government was more controlling and evil in the stories.

In “Julius Caesar,” Caesar is the main character of the story. He proclaimed himself to be the Roman Dictator because he felt no other person had earned that power other than him. Therefore, things like that showed his persona and the way he feels about himself. Many people throughout the Roman Government disliked him because of his cockyness. That hatred also led to his assassination at the end of the story.

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Julius Caesar & Bhutto: Power, Responsibility, and Leadership's Cost
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Benazir Bhutto vs. Julius Caesar: Differences and Similarities

In “Ideas Live On,” Benazir Bhutto is the main character of the story. She grew up in a prime minister-based family, which led to her becoming the first woman prime minister herself. She was a part of the Pakistan People’s Party. She was focused on finding peace in the war in Afghanistan, education, and the spread of Islam. “Democracy is necessary to peace and to undermining the forces of terrorism.” The government was becoming chaotic before because the prime ministers based their ruling on military violence. She just wanted to gain power for the better good of Pakistan.

Power, Perception, and Politics: The Parallels of Caesar and Bhutto

Caesar and Bhutto were different in the way people looked at their power but the same in the way the government looked at them. Both Caesar and Bhutto’s assassination had something to do with the government’s responsibility. Assassinations both in broad daylight, which shows how badly the government wanted them silenced. Caesar was cocky and demanding towards the citizens of Rome, but most still held high respect towards him. Bhutto was very calm and peaceful, but as many people of Pakistan respected her, there was also the same amount that hated what her ideas for the country were.

In Conclusion, power and government responsibility were strongly shown in both stories, but the mindsets of the main characters were slightly different. It seems the government always gets its way by just silencing their problems because it knows the people would fight against them for as long as they could.


  1. Shakespeare, W. (1599). Julius Caesar.
  2. Bhutto, B. (1988). Daughter of Destiny: An Autobiography. Simon & Schuster.
  3. Talbot, I. (1998). Pakistan: A Modern History. Hurst & Company.

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Julius Caesar & Bhutto: Power, Responsibility, and Leadership's Cost. (2023, Aug 24). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/julius-caesar-bhutto-power-responsibility-and-leadership-s-cost

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