Navigating Gun Violence and Gun Control Policies: A Closer Look at Texas

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Tragic Incidents Spur Calls for Stricter Control

Gun control is a very controversial topic these days. Throughout the years, gun violence has increased dramatically, leading up to serval firearm deaths and injuries and causing danger in Texas. In Texas, the gun law only requires an individual to be at least 18 years old to purchase a rifle, shotgun, ammunition, or any type of firearm. There have been many different perspectives regarding gun control and whether the Texas government should take action or not.

There are many different viewpoints of citizens surrounding this topic. Many oppose that the Governor should ban guns completely. Meaning no teenager or adult should have the right to own a gun. In addition, other individuals disagree that the Governor should make stricter rules on owning a gun. Some citizens argue that removing guns violates the 2nd Amendment of our rights and won’t be able to protect ourselves in case of a kidnapper, thief, or intruder. 2nd Amendment allows any citizen unconnected with service in a militia to be able to use that gun for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense.

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Navigating Gun Violence and Gun Control Policies: A Closer Look at Texas
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On the other hand, many gun control activists want to improve stricter requirements for purchasing guns, and more strict laws will improve the gun violence problem. Some believe the removal of gun purchasing from citizens will keep our state safer because police officers should be the only ones to carry guns. Many believe love and kindness are all the world needs to function, not including guns. Either side has a strong opinion on why or why not oppose gun control.

Gun violence has caused many horrific events in Texas in the year 2018. Therefore, gun violence caused many events, such as Santa Fe High School shooting on a Friday morning which resulted in 10 individuals killed and another 13 wounded. This tragedy occurred on May 18, 2018, when the shooter was Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old student. Dimitrios admitted he didn’t shoot any of the people he liked or had problems with, except he shot the ones he disliked.

This an example of how firearms should not be used; just because you don’t like anyone doesn’t approve of anyone shooting that individual. It was very easy for this student, who was a minor, to get a gun in his hands even though he was 17 years old because his father was the one who owned the gun. The father did not secure his firearms in a safe place where a minor or anyone could steal them, which shows an example of how a gun owner did not show responsibility for owning a gun. This shooting became the second-deadliest school shooting in the United States this year. Thanks to the first responders, they were able to get every student to safety.

Another example is San Antonio First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, which occurred on November 5, 2017. An intruder opened fire during a church service and killed and injured many individuals. The gunman was identified as a 26-year-old named Devin Patrick Kelle. Devin killed 26 people and injured 20 others. A 26-year-old male didn’t have the right mentality to even own a gun and was not a very mature man at all. Also, on July 11, 2018, a very common situation in Houston in which a drive-by mass shooting led to 4 or more victims being injured.

The group that opened fire was not captured, which meant the individuals were on the loose. Many drive-by shootings occur around neighborhoods or parks where families and children are usually an easier target. Drive-by shootings are so common in Houston that many civilians would report it to the police, and later on, the police wouldn’t be able to do anything about it because there’s no evidence. All these three main events with different types of situations could have been prevented if there had been stricter gun control. Anyone owning a gun or purchasing a firearm should have a more detailed long process, whether the individual is approved to get a hold of a gun.

Governor Abbott’s Gun Control Measures

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who is 60 years of age, has served since 2015. Greg Abbot agrees he should have more control over guns. Texas Governor’s future plans on gun control are limiting who can buy and keep guns through narrow ways meaning longer processes and stricter background checks. Gregg Abbott from the republican party will not take guns out because he truly does defend the 2nd amendment rights but will make an effort to keep guns out of people’s hands who may pose a risk to those around them. He also made a campus law in which only 21-year-old individuals can carry a gun or any weapon if it is concealed and the owner has a license. Furthermore, he wants to establish during campus hours more cops making sure everyone is safe and armed marshals.

Also, the Texas governor will make sure criminals will be put behind bars and not even have a hold of a gun in the first place. Governor has said he will do anything in his power, but without violating the freedom to bear arms. He agrees our schools should be a safe environment in which parents should not worry about their kids’ safety, such as passing the Governor’s school and firearm safety action plan, which this document offers more than 40 specific recommendations on ways to make our schools and communities safer. The plan includes more than 120 million dollars in funding strategies to help schools implement this solution immediately with no cost to the school. Wherever we are, we should not be afraid of any mass shootings to occur nor scared to step foot outside our homes.

Balancing Gun Control and Responsibility

In my perspective, guns aren’t the problem of violence. It is the person who has a hold of it. Gun control must be in action; if not now, then when? I agree Texas Governor should not ban guns because it’s for our safety to protect ourselves, instead of enforcing more gun laws in Texas. All the citizens should work as a team in order to address this issue of violence. More mandatory training for those who own a gun means the required training should include recurring education to renew permits, with a graduated licensing process at least as stringent as for driver’s licenses. Have secure storage to keep a gun. We can all make a difference on the subject of gun control if we start this change to decrease gun deaths.


  1. Crime Prevention Research Center. (2021). “Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2021.” Crime Prevention Research Center.
  2. Lott, J. R. (2019). “More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws.” University of Chicago Press.
  3. Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2019). “2018 Crime in the United States: Expanded Homicide Data.” Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  4. State of Texas. (2021). “Gun Laws: Restrictions, Regulation, and Ownership by State.” FindLaw.
  5. Jacobson, L. (2019). “How Texas Gun Laws Compare to Other States.” Texas Tribune.
  6. Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
  7. Duwe, G. (2007). “The Patterns and Prevalence of Mass Murder in Twentieth-Century America.” Justice Quarterly, 24(2), 175-201.
  8. Rizzini, J. I. (2020). “School Shootings and Youth Gun Carrying: Descriptive and Causal Inferences.” Aggression and Violent Behavior, 54, 101363.
  9. Everytown for Gun Safety. (2021). “Gun Violence in America: 2021 Analysis.” Everytown Research.
  10. Texas Department of Public Safety. (2023). “Texas Governor’s School and Firearm Safety Action Plan.” Texas Department of Public Safety.

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Navigating Gun Violence and Gun Control Policies: A Closer Look at Texas. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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