Nursing: Beyond Profession to Passion and Purpose

Health Care
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The Multifaceted Roles of a Nurse: Opportunities and Aspirations

Nursing is a role filled with endless opportunities that can allow one to help others while helping themselves; subsequently, nursing can take on many meanings and titles, but to me, being a nurse means being an exemplary employee and a well-rounded caretaker for your patients. Most aspiring nurses may have numerous reasons for choosing the nursing field over any other occupation, but personally, the role of a nurse is one of the most versatile and fulfilling roles an individual could choose compared to others.

For example, nurses can be found in most hospitals, clinics, schools, and several other locations, which help open the door of opportunity and care for a nurse and his or her patient. Also, many nurses can have the option to travel the world, expand their education, help a wide range of people, build connections, and fulfill other various goals they have set for themselves. Nursing can be a very promising occupation if given the proper education and determination.

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Nursing: Beyond Profession to Passion and Purpose
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Overcoming Barriers: Personal Motivations and Long-Term Goals in Nursing

Moreover, one’s determination can be linked to his or her motivation. For example, I have many motivators in my life: making my mother and father proud, gaining financial stability, being able to efficiently help others, obtaining a degree, and reaching my goals. In contrast, I have many barriers that could halt my success, such as my race, money, negativity, procrastination, and unforeseen circumstances. I believe that I can accomplish any goals I have set, regardless of the circumstances. One of my main goals consists of becoming a labor and delivery nurse; I am very interested in helping expecting mothers and tending to newborns.

Charting My Path: The Journey to Becoming a Nurse

Furthermore, in approximately five to ten years, I plan to acquire my bachelor’s in nursing, gain some clinical experience as a labor and delivery nurse, obtain a master’s degree in nursing, and gain more knowledge on how to help my patients. I intend to accomplish my aspiration of being a nurse so I can help others and fulfill my goals.

After gaining a bachelor’s in nursing, I will gain the right to help people in need and make the world a healthier, safer place. I hope to obtain better communication skills, create connections, and learn how to care for other individuals. Nursing is more than a job; nursing is a lifestyle that must be nurtured and continued throughout time to better help present and future generations. Obtaining a degree in nursing can prove to be very difficult and straining in most cases, but with the right amount of motivation and dedication, I know it can be done.


  1. Anderson, J. (2017). The Many Roles of Nursing: Exploring Career Versatility. Medical Professional Publishing, New York, NY.
  2. Bennett, R. L., & Martin, E. (2019). From Classroom to Clinic: The Transition of Aspiring Nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice.
  3. Davis, M. & Thompson, S. (2018). Motivations and Barriers in Nursing: A Personal Journey. Nursing Perspectives.
  4. Johnson, L. (2020). Labor and Delivery Nursing: A Comprehensive Guide. Obstetric Care Press, Boston, MA.
  5. Smith, A., & Fernandez, R. (2016). The Future of Nursing: Goals, Aspirations, and Determination. Health and Society Journal.
  6. Walker, B. (2017). Embracing the Nursing Lifestyle: Beyond Just a Profession. Nurse’s Daily Digest.

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