Should Everyone Go to College: Exploring Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree Online

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For a lot of people, traditional college can be a hassle. School tuition is skyrocketing, people are in mountains of debt, and balancing other life factors can be stressful when it comes to going to a traditional college. Let’s say a college student has a child, a sick grandmother who needs constant care and attention, or the commute to school every day is painful because they have to take a two-hour bus ride to school or wake up extra early in the morning and walk long distances to class. For these reasons, a lot of people turn to bachelor’s degrees online for their education. Here are a few perks of getting a bachelor’s degree online.


1. Spend more time with your family. Are you pregnant or have children? Going to college while pregnant or having kids can not only be extremely stressful but time-consuming as well. By taking classes online, you can spend more time at home with your children and save money on childcare costs since you will be at home for a longer time. This will also be ideal if you have a sickly family member who’s dependent on care from you.

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Should Everyone Go to College: Exploring Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree Online
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2. More flexibility. If you decide to get your bachelor’s degree online, you will be surprised at how flexible it is. You can work anywhere you want. You can work at a friend’s house, you can work while lying in bed, or even while you’re traveling out of state. As long as you have a computer and internet access, you can technically work almost anywhere. Also, you can work any time of the day you want. If your instructor is doing a lecture, and you don’t or can’t show up, they can record it, and you can save and play it on your device. If you are more of an afternoon person than a morning person, the flexible schedules that online schools provide will be very beneficial to you.

3. Less interaction with others.
Are you shy and have social anxiety? While it’s not recommended that you run away from your fears, online colleges can greatly limit your interactions with people, but they can also help you get your feet wet when it comes to social interaction. For example, if you are afraid of talking to people face to face, texting them might be a better option for you. If you are afraid of having people see your face, you can talk to them through a microphone instead. Online schools can slowly help you get used to being social, and it’ll be less scary for you because you will be in the comfort of your own home.

4. Work at your own pace.
Here’s one of my favorite benefits when it comes to working online. You can keep a steady pace and work on your own time. You can finish as fast as you want or as slow as you want. Some people finished an online bachelor’s degree program in two years! Unfortunately, you’ll still have to reach some deadlines, but they are often flexible, and the penalties are lower.


What other benefits do you know about online programs that this article didn’t cover? What schools are you now considering that are online? Tell us in the comment section below, and don’t forget to share us with others!


  1. “Online Education: Global Questions, Local Answers” by Kjell Erik Rudestam and Judith Schoenholtz
  2. “The Online Student’s User Manual: Everything You Need to Know to be a Successful Online Learner” by Diane Hamilton
  3. “The Power of eLearning: The Essential Guide for Teaching in the Digital Age” by Shirley Waterhouse and Saira Kewley
  4. “Online Education for Dummies” by Kevin Johnson, Susan Manning, and Hetal Thaker
  5. “The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout” by Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman

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Should Everyone Go to College: Exploring Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree Online. (2023, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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