The Ethics of Pro Choice Abortion: Balancing Rights and Life

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Abortion Procedures: Clinic-based Methods and Anesthesia

The age-old question of abortion is whether it is morally right or wrong. The definition of abortion, according to Revel, is “the premature termination of a pregnancy that is termination prior to birth” (Revel Ethics). The research led to finding how an abortion is done, what types of abortion there are, and the reasons women can have an abortion after the second trimester. An important question will be answered about the value of life. Some of the viewpoints on abortion are pro-choice and pro-life.

The different forms of abortion are in a pill form or in a clinic. In the clinic, there are multiple types of abortion. The first is Vacuum Aspiration. During this procedure, the doctor will: examine your uterus put a speculum in to see into your vagina, inject a numbing medication into or near your cervix stretch the opening of your cervix with a series of dilating rods. If you haven’t had them put in earlier, insert a thin tube through your cervix into your uterus. Use a small, hand-held suction device or suction machine to gently take the pregnancy tissue out of your uterus. (Planned Parent Hood)

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The Ethics of Pro Choice Abortion: Balancing Rights and Life
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The next D&E is done after 12 weeks. Give you a first dose of antibiotic to prevent infection. Position you on the exam table in the same position used for a pelvic exam, with your feet on stirrups while lying on your back. Insert a speculum into the vagina. Clean the vagina and cervix with an antiseptic solution. Give you a pain medicine injection in the cervical area (paracervical block) along with a sedative. If the procedure is done in an operating room, you could receive a spinal anesthesia injection into the fluid around the spinal cord. This numbs the area between your legs. Or your doctor may use general anesthesia, which makes you unconscious.

Surgical Techniques and Post-Procedure Care

Grasp the cervix with an instrument to hold the uterus in place. Dilate the cervical canal with probes of increasing size. An abortion in the second 12 weeks will need the cervix to be dilated more than required for a vacuum aspiration. Pass a hollow tube (cannula) into the uterus. The cannula is attached by tubing to a bottle and a pump that provides a gentle vacuum to remove tissue in the uterus. Some cramping is felt during the rest of the procedure. Pass a grasping instrument (forceps) into the uterus to grasp larger pieces of tissue. This is more likely in pregnancies of 16 weeks or more and is done before the uterine lining is scraped with a curette.

Use a curved instrument (curette) to gently scrape the lining of the uterus and remove tissue in the uterus. Use suction. This may be done as a final step to make sure the uterine contents are completely removed. Give you a medicine to reduce the amount of bleeding from the procedure. They may also use a small surgical tool called a curette to remove any tissue that’s left in your uterus or check to make sure your uterus is totally empty. (Healthwise Staff)

The first main view of abortion is pro-choice, which means abortion. The principle of individual freedom is argued a lot with abortion. “Individual freedom means that a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body” (Revel Ethics). Would you tell someone they couldn’t get their ears pierced or implants? An abortion is the choice of the family having the baby or the woman in case there is no spouse. Some of the reasons why women have abortions are because of “health conditions like heart failure, preeclampsia, and renal disease, Mental health like severe depression and suicidal tendencies” (Planned et al.).

Ethical Dilemma: Valuing Life and Individual Autonomy

The people who aren’t pro-choice are pro-life, which means they believe that all life is to be valued. The value of life principle is the principle that is associated with this. The value of life principle means that all life is to be valued. So, when a fetus is created and it has a heartbeat, it is life, and to have an abortion is terminating life. The question is, “At what point is it to be valued and protected to the same extent as the lives of human beings who already have been born” (Revel Ethics)?

This question has no correct answer, depending on the side you are looking at. “According to the strong antiabortion (pro-life) position, the conceptus has an absolute right to life from the moment of conception onward. According to the strong abortion-on-request (pro-choice) position, however, women have absolute rights over their own bodies and lives. Both of these positions and the arguments used to support them” (Revel Ethics). This is a hard issue to discuss and to determine what is right and what’s wrong, depending on the individual’s situation.

Some people might have an abortion due to health reasons, and some might have one because of rap or incest. People have their own personal reasons to have an abortion, just like people have their own personal reasons not to have an abortion. There are side effects to every decision we make. The side effect of an abortion is severe cramping and heavy bleeding, according to Abortion does involve the value of life.

Personal Choice and Moral Dilemmas in Abortion

Defending the value of life principle, “the conceptus is innocent and cannot defend itself from being killed” (Revel Ethics). This argues that the conceptus has a right to life and has absolute rights. Ethical egoism: You should do what’s in your best interest. So, if having an abortion is in your best interest, then it’s right.

In conclusion, abortion is a personal choice for someone. Not everyone will believe this to be the same choice, but not everyone’s circumstances are the same either. I personally don’t stand for abortion. If a person is mature enough to have sexual intercourse, then they are also mature enough to have a baby. Everyone must learn from their mistakes and by constantly having an abortion as a form of birth control. Then, no one will learn from it. They will think it is okay to constantly end a life. Yes, abortion should be used as a last resort, like if a mother’s life is at stake or if the child isn’t formed correctly.


  1. Healthwise Staff “Dilation and Evacuation” November 21, 2017
  2. Thiroux Jacques P. And Keith W. Krasemann “Revel Ethics and Practice 11e updated edition”.
  3. What Happens During an in Clinic Abortion
  4. White Jack, Palm Beach Youth Leadership Council “Varied View Points on Abortion” January 27, 2017. florida/blog/the-varied-viewpoints-on-abortion

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