The First Libyan Civil War: Unveiling Revolt, Repression, and Renewal

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The First Libyan Civil War, also called the Libyan Revolution or February 17th Revolution, was a somewhat violent revolution in 2011 in the African country of Libya. Fought between Colonel MuammarGaddafiloyaists and those trying to get him removed. Gaddafi was ruling Libya with an iron fist, eliminating all political opposition and restricting the lives of Libyans. Between the 13th and 16th of January in 2011, People began to grow more and more upset about the slowness of the housing being built and decided to take over what had been done.

Escalation into Civil War

Members of many cities came together and occupied the unfinished buildings. By January 27, the government will put twenty billion pounds into housing in hopes of curbing the unrest. “In late January, Jamal al-Hajji, a writer, political commentator, and accountant, ‘call[ed] on the Internet for demonstrations to be held in support of greater freedoms in Libya’ inspired by the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions.” (Wikipedia)The reporter was arrested on February 1 by undercover police officers and charged on February 3 for injuring someone with his car. “Amnesty International stated that because al-Hajji had previously been imprisoned for his non-violent political opinions, the real reason for the present arrest appeared to be his call for demonstrations.” (Wikipedia) So, in reality, they were taking away his voice in the press.

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The First Libyan Civil War: Unveiling Revolt, Repression, and Renewal
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The protests non-violent protests would lead to an uprising and civil war. This was succeeded by race riots, which were easily put out by the police and pro-Gaddafi loyalists. On the evening of February 15, between 500 and 600 demonstrators protested in front of Benghazi’s police headquarters after the arrest of human rights lawyer FathiTerbil. Crowds were armed with homemade weapons and stones. Marchers hurled Molotov cocktails in a downtown square in Benghazi, damaging cars and blocking roads.


“Police responded to crowds with tear gas, water cannon, and rubber bullets. 38 people were injured, including ten security personnel.” (Wikipedia) They met violence with violence. Their fore caused even more problems among the citizens because they were being treated brutally. This war helped bring families back together once the exiled people were allowed back into the country. Brought new hope toLIbia and its future. With the ability to have new rulers and update their government, they can only look at what good is to come,

Works Cited

  1. “2011 Libya Civil War Fast Facts.” CNN, Cable News Network, August 30, 2018,
  2. “How Bad Was Gaddafi?” This Is Africa, January 11, 2018; this is Africa. me/how-bad-was-gaddafi/.
  3. “Libyan Civil War (2011).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, October 25, 2018,

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The First Libyan Civil War: Unveiling Revolt, Repression, and Renewal. (2023, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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