The Relationship Between Child Abuse and Parent Education: A Path to Prevention

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In 2017 there were 238,600 intakes requesting an investigation by Child Protective Services. Of those intakes, 807 of them were fatalities (DFPS, 2017). Though these numbers seem large, abuse is underreported. Data from DFPS and the US Census Bureau should be used to strengthen the significance of the study.


Universal violence and child maltreatment prevention programs for parents: A systematic review

“Violence against children is a substantial problem in both developing countries that have low-to-middle income economies, according to the classification for the World Bank” (Pisani, 2016). This study emphasizes the negative effects of abuse on children in later life as well as the likelihood of abuse occurring at the hands of a parent. This confirms the validity of the purpose as well as the significance of the study because of the role parents play in abuse.

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The Relationship Between Child Abuse and Parent Education: A Path to Prevention
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Prevention of Child Maltreatment: Evaluation of a parent education program for teen mothers

This is a study of the aftermaths of parent education on teenage mothers. The results of the study show that three to five years after the program, these mothers were less likely than the control group to have been reported for maltreatment. The participating mothers were also more likely to have completed high school, went to college, and prevented other pregnancies until after the age of 21 (Britner &Reppucci, 1997).

Preventing Child Abuse and neglect with parent training; Evidence and Opportunities

This study examines issues related to child abuse and maltreatment. The author also stresses the importance of either mandatory parent education or consciously involving parents in order for them to make the decision to change. Finally, the author praises the program Triple P Positive Parenting Program, an evidence-based parenting program believed to combat all co-occurring family issues related to child maltreatment (Barth, 2009).

Parent education interventions: results from a national study in Portugal

The results of this study suggest participating in parenting classes is associated with positive change. Overall, parents in the program achieved a lower stress level and higher levels of support and made positive adjustments in their parenting practices (Almeida, 2012).

Parent education: A cornerstone of child abuse prevention

This essay highlights the book “Valuing Parent Education: A Cornerstone of Child Abuse Prevention,” its review of parent education and what it looks like, as well as the different methods and their effectiveness. It concludes that parent education programs grant parents the information and resources needed to meet acceptable parenting practices (Parent Education, 1998).

The author of this article briefly discusses the ineffectiveness of parent education as an intervention method. They express concern that parents will not choose to implement what they learn in the program if they have other issues at home. The author suggests a more all-inclusive method (Rodrigo et al., 2012).

Clinical Considerations Related to the Behavioral Manifestations of Child Maltreatment

This article focuses on the psychological repercussions associated with childhood maltreatment and the importance of speaking to a doctor in order for new caregivers to become informed on positive parenting practices for victims. Again, this article emphasizes the importance of the study (Sege, Amaya-Jackson, 2017).

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Factsheet

This resource provides information on different child abuse prevention methods and strategies. It provides ways that communities can get involved in prevention programs and lists a number of resources on the topic (Child et al., 2013).


This article lists important characteristics of parent education programs as well as evidence-based curricula. It reveals helpful teaching strategies and questions to ask when starting a new program (Child et al., 2013).


  1. DFPS. (2017). Child population and reports of child abuse and neglect. Retrieved from
  2. Pisani Altafim, E. R., & Martins Linhares, M. B. (2016). Universal violence and child Maltreatment prevention programs for parents: A systematic review. Psychosocial Intervention/Intervencion Psicosocial, 25(1), 27-38.
  3. Britner, P. A., & Reppucci, N. D. (1997). Prevention of child maltreatment: Evaluation of a Parent education program for teen mothers. Journal of child & family studies, 6(2), 165 175. Retrieved from 708131637&site=ehost-live
  4. Barth, R. P. (2009). Preventing child abuse and neglect with parent training: Evidence and opportunities. Future of children19(2), 95–118. Retrieved from 4320724&site=ehost-live
  5. Almeida, A., Abreu-Lima, I., Cruz, O., Gaspar, M. F., Brandai, T., Alarcao, M., … Machado, J. C. (2012). Parent education interventions: Results from a national study in Portugal. European journal of developmental psychology, 9(1), 135-149.
  6. Rodrigo, M. J., Almeida, A., Spiel, C., & Koops, W. (2012). Introduction: Evidence-based parent Education programs to promote positive parenting. European journal of developmental psychology, 9(1), 2-10.
  7. Sege, R. D., Amaya-Jackson, L. (2017). Clinical considerations related to the behavioral Manifestations of child maltreatment. Pediatrics, 139(4), el-e13.
  8. Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2013). Preventing child abuse and neglect. Retrieved from
  9. Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2013). Parent education to strengthen families and reduce the risk of maltreatment. Retrieved from

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