Understanding Abortion through Diagnostic Analysis

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Understanding Abortion through Diagnostic Analysis

Diagnostic analysis was used to analyze the data collected for this assignment. It was used because it creates more connections between the data and identifies patterns of behavior; diagnostic analysis asks the main question of “what happened” and then dives deeper and asks, “Why did it happen?”

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Understanding Abortion through Diagnostic Analysis
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Perceptions and Beliefs on Abortion

According to the data collected, it can be said that seventy-five percent (75%) of the twenty persons interviewed believe that Abortion is the deliberate act of murdering a child before birth. While five of twenty respondents (25%) responded that Abortion is the removal of the unwanted from a mother’s womb. Based on the data collected, it can also be said that the majority of the respondents, 65% believe that human life begins when the sperm penetrates the embryo.

While five of the twenty persons, 25%, responded that it begins after the child exits the womb. Based on the data collected, it can also be said that the majority of the respondents, 50% believe that the main cause of Abortion is being mentally unprepared to be a parent. Whilst six of the twenty respondents, 30%, believe it is because the partner does not agree or is ready to take up his responsibility, three respondents, 15%, are of the opinion that family issues are the cause, and finally, one respondent, 5%, of the twenty persons said family drama.

Opinions on the Morality and Accountability of Abortion

According to the data collected on if Abortion is considered murder, it was concluded that eighty percent of sixteen persons responded that Abortion is not murder if the unborn child has not or was not born and harmed. Whilst twenty percent replied that Abortion is indeed murder. One can also learn from the data collected that thirty percent (30%) of the twenty persons interviewed believe that the effects of Abortion are emotional pains to a mother, whilst two persons (10%) responded with a mental disorder.

Sixty percent (60%) of the responders are of the opinion that the effects of Abortion are all of the above options listed, including physical health disorders or issues. According to the data collected on if only women and girls are responsible for Abortion, it was determined that 80% of the respondents replied that a woman should not be responsible for Abortion alone since she was not involved in developing a fetus or unborn offspring. While 20% of four persons responded that the woman should be held responsible for Abortion.

Involvement of Fathers and Potential Solutions

One can also learn that sixteen of the twenty persons, 80%, when asked, “Should a father have a say in the choice of abortion?” replied that fathers should have the right to make decisions in anything that pertains to their unborn child, including the choice of Abortion. While 20% four of the twenty persons responded that fathers are not the parent that has to carry the child in the womb for nine months, so they should not have a say.

When it comes to the solutions that can reduce or stop Abortion, it was detected that seven respondents (35%) responded with being financially, mentally, and physically prepared for having kids before doing so. Whilst thirty percent six of the twenty responders believe that not having unprotected sex is the solution. Thirty-five percent responded with all of the above, including drugs used to cause death to unborn babies should be banned from medical institutions.

Conclusions Drawn from the AnalysiS

It is concluded that Abortion is the deliberate act of murdering a child before birth. It is concluded that the majority of the responses stated above disagree with Abortion and would not encourage such. Abortion is one of the main reasons why babies don’t get to experience being part of the world, and the 20 persons being surveyed for this research agree with this view of Abortion. The main cause of Abortion is being mentally unprepared to be a parent. The effects of Abortion are all of the options listed. The mothers should not be blamed for Abortion, and the fathers should be more involved in the decision-making of their child. The solution for Abortion is for parents to be financially, mentally, and physically prepared for having kids before doing so.

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Understanding Abortion through Diagnostic Analysis. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/understanding-abortion-through-diagnostic-analysis

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