Understanding the Complexities of Suicide: Exploring the Impact of Bullying

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Did you know in 2017, 47,173 Americans died by suicide, being the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. according to the “American Foundation for Suicide Prevention”? Many teens and adults have different reasons to take their own life, but suicide is never the answer. It only ends the victim’s pain, although the pain passes down to their loved ones. Teens and adults commit suicide for the following reasons: being bullied, depression, and living in an abusive household.

Bullying as a Silent Tormentor

Bullying over the years has changed. With all the advancement of technology, cyberbullying has become one of the worst types of bullying since a person can attack someone without physically being in front of them. For example, in Yucaipa, California, Rosalie Avila, a 13-year-old, hanged herself after years of bullying at school. According to “Bullied Teen Who Killed Herself Apologized for Being Ugly, Didn’t Want Any Photos at Funeral,” Rosalie Avila left a note that said, “…I love you, Mom. I’m sorry you’re gonna find me like this,” Rosalie’s father, Freddie Avila, tells PEOPLE. “Another note said, ‘Please, don’t post any pictures of me at my funeral.’ Those were her goodbye notes.”. Rosalie Avila was being made fun of because of her appearance and called names.

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Rosalie believed everything they told her since it lowered her self-esteem. Furthermore, “…classmates circulated a video portraying what an ugly girl looked like and what a pretty girl looked like and used a picture of Rosalie to portray the ugly girl,” Claypool said. “The video was circulated throughout the school and online, going viral. In her suicide note, Rosalie apologized to her parents for being ugly.”. It is heartbreaking when a beautiful soul takes their own life because they can’t deal with the pain and thinks their only way out is to end their life. Rosalie Avila had a long life ahead of her, but sadly, she didn’t want to live her life anymore. When I think of bullies, what comes to mind is that it only happens in High School, Middle School, and Elementary, but sadly, that’s not true. Bullying can happen anywhere, at any time, and at any age.


For example, Rhian Collins, a 30-year-old nurse and mother of two kids, committed suicide after being bullied by her colleagues. The article “Nurse Killed Herself after being bullied at Work, Probe Finds” explains that Rhian, who worked at Cefn Coed Hospital in Swansea, Wales, hanged herself in her home. “She was having issues at work, investigating officer Sgt. Nia Lambley said, according to the report. She was being sworn at, bullied, and believed she was continually given the worst shifts on the ward. This led to her becoming obsessed with her appearance, and she would go to the gym four times a day.” Rhian Collins was having trouble with her colleagues since they made her work difficult and made her obsessed with her appearance.


  1. “Stay: A History of Suicide and the Arguments Against It” by Jennifer Michael Hecht
  2. “The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression” by Andrew Solomon

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Understanding the Complexities of Suicide: Exploring the Impact of Bullying. (2023, Aug 29). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/understanding-the-complexities-of-suicide-exploring-the-impact-of-bullying

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