Unraveling the Complex Web of Human Trafficking: A Call for Deeper Research

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Most investigations on human and drug trafficking arguments have taken a narrow or just focus on a specific country or have a very loose deep approach. Many researchers have focused on Europe, basically in the Middle East. They focus on an inclusive region for its use of first-hand data collection on human and drug smugglers, from fieldwork in the Middle –East, rather than alternate data use, and its methodological depth in general.

In my opinion, in order to gain a better sense of human and drug trafficking activities in the wider context of the Middle East, many researchers try to rely on primary data they might be able to obtain through face-to-face interviews with smugglers and traffickers. These types of interviews, face-to-face or statements, are all acted at various stages of the illegal process, assuming different supporting functions.

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Unraveling the Complex Web of Human Trafficking: A Call for Deeper Research
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A Narrow Focus: A Limitation in Understanding

Some findings on human and drug smuggling in the Middle East differ noticeably from other studies conducted in other parts of the world. Researchers argue that in order to gain and obtain a better understanding of the cause and effects and the magnitude, it is necessary to realize that the traffickers do not constitute an enclosed criminal organization. Even though they have no support from an enclosed organizational system, traffickers, in whatever way, run their operations effectively, with modern technology which allows them to communicate quickly and globally to exchange information without any trace.

The Complex Nature of Trafficking Networks

Nevertheless, human and drug trafficking requires attention to how criminals operate within their networks. Some researchers are trying to obtain that information, but some have gained it due to not having a high-quality micro-level study. Here is where we as a society ask ourselves, what has not been done by researchers? According to Ronald Weitzer (2014), this kind of research is quite challenging, which explains why there are so few high-quality studies to date. (p.20).

Furthermore, we all know it is very difficult to gain access or trust in participants who were involved in illegal enterprises after they had left the trade. Researchers have not had a breakthrough with ex-human and drug traffickers due to being afraid of being targeted and or killed because of repercussions. If the researcher had a face-to-face with these illegal enterprises, it would help address some fundamental questions about the difficult dynamics of human and drug trafficking. Such research can and will provide a high-quality micro-level empirical study, which can provide evidence-foundation of human and drug trafficking in the Middle East.


Finally, researchers need to gain confidence and go into deep analysis of this topic. Try to conduct interviews with ex-members of these enterprises, to better understand or analyze their functions and reasons why? There is a need for careful and systematic analysis of the transnational crime phenomena in a transnational marketplace. Research can play an important role in better understanding and appreciating the actions of traffickers by mobilizing mythologies that directly engage with traffickers and by carefully reviewing their activities (Surtees, 2008).


  1. “Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective” by Louise Shelley
  2. “Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights” edited by Kamala Kempadoo

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Unraveling the Complex Web of Human Trafficking: A Call for Deeper Research. (2023, Aug 15). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/unraveling-the-complex-web-of-human-trafficking-a-call-for-deeper-research

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