Unveiling Discrimination: Police Brutality Against African Americans

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According to the research conducted by Weitzer, it is reviewed that people with the identity of African and American are often subjected to different forms of abuse and torture, and a significant number of policemen are convicted in America. They had horribly tortured the prisoners and broke the mental barriers. The news about the seven policemen torturing the prisoner in a diversity of ways is not uncommon. The methods implemented could not be explained. In only a few sets of decades, the USA has become quite notorious due to nothing but Police discrimination. Many cases were written and recorded with the topic of nothing other than torture on the basis of creed and discrimination due to different colors. Even the other Western Countries didn’t have that many records concerning the killing of people out of only the discrimination .

In the paper, the focus is narrowed to the discrimination bestowed by police officers on African Americans and other people due to nothing but just discrimination. But it doesn’t mean that such acts are unexplainable, as the misconduct of police compromises discrimination as well. Facing punishment without a proper cause is actually a crime, and it has been researched that Black people have to face the consequences without even doing anything. They are subjected to a punishment far more severe than what is legal for the crime. Such type of discrimination is quite common when it comes to the Black creed. It has been found by researchers that there are always some injustices when it comes to Black people.

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Unveiling Discrimination: Police Brutality Against African Americans
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Laws, legal entities, and legal policies

According to the research conducted by Legewie, it is reviewed that in order to make sure that people are protected from discrimination by police, several policies, entities, and laws have been made. Along with all the other races in America, the same rights have been given to African American as well. They give the power to raise a voice against such unlawful actions. According to the 1994’s Act, the departments that violate the rights of normal citizens can be reformed under the lawsuit. This law takes all the people belonging to different races under the shadow and protects them.

The power of policemen is limited according to this law. Considering the discrimination inflicted by police officers, such laws make sure that the rights of people are protected no matter what. Keeping the 1871’s Act in focus, both the Fourteenth Amendment and the Fourth Amendment play a very significant role in the cases which have the core of Police discrimination. According to it, African Americans have the same protection against the causes of discrimination as other citizens of America. Such laws and points are very important as they lower the discrimination between both cultural groups and ethnic groups.

Major effects of Police discrimination in the United States of America

According to the research conducted by Goel, Perelman, Shroff, & Sklansky, it is analyzed that when the question is about Police Discrimination and Brutality, the answer is quite simple. It is actually the improper use of rights that policemen have. Under the shadow of brutality, there is also the shot-down of people in alleys and streets under the name of unknown crime. The authentic laws allow policemen to kill; they misuse and kill Black people. It is also the discrimination practices that policemen use. Considering the years that have already passed, the police’s excessive power has been released. Due to the notorious image and reputation that policemen possess now, African Americans find it very difficult to trust them.

Police Discrimination against African Americans is not rare, and many officers are connected to crimes that are only named small and nothing else. Due to the sheer brutal behavior inflicted by the Black people, many mothers are afraid to teach the native codes to their newborns. They are afraid that policemen will kill their kids if they ever teach them such codes.

According to the research conducted by Ballacci, it is reviewed that even the news concerning the Former Sheriff killing a person who was not even involved in any crime was not rare. In Houston, the news got no change, and it was hot for only a little while and nothing else. It disappeared as soon as something else happened. The point is that the person killed none other than an unarmed African American, and he was named Danny Ray. Only the Sheriff was suspended, but even after that action, there were still many cases that involved discrimination against Black people.

In the US, a lone mother who has been a Democrat stands alone in order to fight the claims of discrimination that were examined by policemen. The purpose of her fight is nothing other than the freedom of many other Black mothers who are living in fear of losing their children. In order to ensure that racism from America disappears once and for all, she fights and struggles because she doesn’t want more innocent African Americans killed without an authentic crime.

According to the research conducted by Williams, it is reviewed that over the country, the department has been involved in many other crimes involving racism. And the suspects were none other than Black people. Only on the little crimes and in closed gaps the police department has been involved in the murdering of different Black people. The approximate number of innocent Black people that were killed without a reason cannot be measured as there are many. The purpose of killing is nothing but just the race as they have a different color, and they speak with little variation. There are many illegal laws that have been used by police officers to torture severely and kill them without a proper reason. The cases concerning discrimination have increased considering the past times under the governance of Obama, who kept a strong leash on the crimes against Black people.

According to the research conducted by Taibbi, it is reviewed that It is not very difficult to determine that the Black creed is treated very poorly in the USA. Compared to the governance of Obama, Black people are tortured more, and the rates have grown. Black people are treated harshly for nothing. Another example connects to a black person shot down only because he was selling compact disks outside the store. Police officers reported that he had an unlicensed gun which was not true. At the moment, only one case is discussed, but history is full of such cruel cases.

According to the research conducted by Donald, it is reviewed that If the time that has already passed is evaluated properly, it will be determined that a little time back in the past, there were not even proper rights for the Black race. They had to suffer from tortures, which were more horrible than a normal person could imagine, only because they had a different color than the normal white people of America. Even now, there are countless police officers who find it tough to see them in the same light as White people. If the recent years are studied and dug thoroughly, many more cases will come out focusing on the discrimination against Black people.

In the directory, there are numerous cases that are registered only because of the discrimination that was examined by the police officers. The victims were not shown even a little bit of mercy, and they were treated like cattle brought to the altar. The excessive use of police rights without a proper reason is common for Black people. Most of them have already broken their values due to such immense trauma.

According to the research conducted by Ritchie, it is reviewed that right now, we are going to discuss another case and another victim of discrimination. In a video, it was visible that victim Walter Scott was shot almost five times by Michael Slager. It was quite apparent that no weapon was possessed by the victim. Once the victim had died, a Taser was placed by the officer to charge for a quarrel. In America, it is not difficult to figure out that White people hold a special type of prejudice against the Black race and its people.


Ha1: The discriminating practices of police have a relationship with racism in the US.

Ha0: The discriminating practices of police have a relationship with racism in the US.

Hb1: Police discrimination behavior has an impact on the social norms of the United States.

Hb0: Police discrimination behavior has an impact on the social norms of the United States.

Hc1: African American discrimination has a relationship with their involvement in criminal activities more than white Americans.

Hc0: African American discrimination has a relationship with their involvement in criminal activities more than white Americans.

Hd1: Police discriminating practices are linked with the political policies and historical concept of racism.

Hd0: Police discriminating practices are linked with the political policies and historical concept of racism.


Research Design

This research uses a quantitative research method to collect data from multiple resources in order to get more accurate results. Both primary and secondary method of research is used in this study. In the primary research, the data is collected from a sample of the population through questionnaires, and in the secondary research, the previous literature findings are analyzed. The questionnaire method is used to get the responses from the sample population to know about the perspective of people regarding the discriminating practices of police against black people in America. The responses from the sample us get on a voluntary basis.

Sample Selection

The sample is selected from the population of the United States. For this research, a sample of 36 people is selected to respond to the questions. From the sample selected, 4 participants were black people. Twenty-five were white people, 7 participants were from other ethnic groups, and 3 participants were from a police background.

Sampling Technique

In this research, the random sampling technique is used. The questionnaires were distributed among the participants on a random basis to evaluate the probability of their responses regarding the question asked in the survey.

Data Collections

The questions regarding the dependent variable, which is the police discriminating practices, were selected. There are various types of research on discrimination against black people in society, so the only suitable questions for current research were selected. There is a total of 10 questions in the questionnaires about the discriminating practices of police against black people in the United States. The questions concerning the independent variables, which are racism, social norms, and the historical impact of racism, were selected. The questionnaire is given in Appendix 1.


Hypothesis testing:

As the present research includes the hypothesis that is alternative hypothesis and the Null hypothesis, the hypothesis testing was performed using SPSS software to find the P-value and the significance level; in case the P-value get is less than the level of significance, the null hypothesis will be rejected, and alternative will be chosen.

For the present research, SPSS software was chosen to analyze the data, test the data, perform analysis, and recognize suitable results regarding the data of quantitative research. The software Qualtrics was used for the qualitative research.
Strengths and Limitations of Study

There are many of the strengths and limitations of studies. The main strength of the study is that all of the research findings not only depend on previous research but also new data is collected from the sample to obtain more accurate and up-to-date results. The limitation of the study is that the size of the sample was limited, and depending on the ethnic backgrounds, the response of the participants also seems very biased.

Results and Analysis

By evaluating the data gathered from the research, it is analyzed that among the black race, there are actually several legal and structural barriers that prevent the laws from protecting the people. They are registered to commit many crimes by police officers. In the White House, some decisions were taken by President Donald Trump concerning the thirteenth Amendment focusing on the reformation of the police department. However, there are some problems that hinder the policies and laws .

Considering the rights of Black people, there are some barriers related to societies that hinder the implementation of rights and policies which allow Black people to file against the discrimination inflicted by policemen. It has been observed that Black men are shot because of their impression of being involved in the crimes more. Due to the lack of cultural and legal powers, the authentic duties are not completed properly. Political acceptability is still facing challenges.


Significant efforts

The US government utilized different operations in order to save Black people from brutality. But according to the concern of President Donald Trump, areas remain open to solve different diverse problems. The former President also implemented different policies to tackle such a difficulty, and the current President is also focusing on the program effectively. The focus of the programs is nothing but the safety of Black People (Coaston).

In order to solve such difficult issues, there was a meeting of Kanye West with the President. The policy of “Stop and Frisk” was implemented in Chicago to carry out different practices for the reduction of such issues. It has been determined that Donald Trump enforces this discrimination in order to reduce the rate of crimes in the country. In his administration, reforms have been made for the optimization of security, safety, and national health (Coaston).

One particular solution effort

In order to resolve such brutal issues, many solutions can be evaluated to save Black people. However, it has to be made sure that all the departments, regardless of the area or the vicinity, follow the same practices to protect the Black creed from the discrimination of Police. If the government sees it right, a special phenomenon can take place and change the behaviors in an unofficial way.

By the use of concepts of political science, authentic and official values or codes by public officials are implemented for a specific region or area. Therefore, it can be recorded that President has focused on criminal justice to ensure a decrease in the discrimination of people. This way, civil servants can be created with the use of power to keep the balance in public. Using such a strategy, the mechanisms and goals can be implemented to affect the behavior of a society to ensure that the policy of the government is followed and through. In the political system, there are actually political theories that can be implemented to enforce laws efficiently.


Summing up the discussion, it can be said that it is common that police discrimination flies for only a specific amount of time and disappears after some time. Even if some individuals hear about the news, all they feel is sympathetic indifference and nothing else. However, the rate of harassment along with Police discrimination in the USA is quite significant. Considering the years that have already passed, the police’s excessive power has been released. Due to the notorious image and reputation that policemen possess now, African Americans find it very difficult to trust them.

In order to ensure that racism from America disappears once and for all, she fights and struggles because she doesn’t want more innocent African Americans killed without an authentic crime. It will be determined that a little time back in the past, there were not even proper rights for the Black race. The victims were not shown even a little bit of mercy, and they were treated like cattle brought to the altar. There are many parties that stand to support Black people, but the victims are still there, and they don’t find any improvement. It has been determined that Donald Trump enforces this discrimination in order to reduce the rate of crimes in the country.


It is recommended in order to make sure that the discrimination of Police against African Americans decreases exponentially, a lot of jobs should be given to them. This way, there will be a proper investigation and backups to support the right side. If a specific community’s reflection needs to be measured, the police force should be evaluated. Therefore, officers need to be given proper training about their rights and the rights of others.

For the black race, equality laws and other policies need to be implemented. Another way of reducing such horrific crimes is to give access to Black people in the police. If they are given the opportunity to have a job in the police department, the rate of crimes concerning the discrimination of police will decrease exponentially. This issue has become so tough that there needs to be a proper solution to end this discrimination against a specific race.


  1. Weitzer, R. (2002). Policing under fire: Ethnic conflict and police-community relations in Northern Ireland. SUNY Press.
  2. Legewie, J. (2016). Racial profiling and use of force in police stops: How local events trigger periods of increased discrimination. American Journal of Sociology, 122(2), 379-424.
  3. Goel, S., Perelman, M., Shroff, R., & Sklansky, D. A. (2017). The role of officer characteristics in predicting police misconduct. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 33(3), 655-676.
  4. Ballacci, S. (2017). Fighting police violence against black people: A personal account. Texas Law Review, 95, 83-108.
  5. Williams, K. M. (2015). Race and police brutality: The importance of context. Justice Quarterly, 32(2), 302-332.
  6. Taibbi, M. (2017). The divide: American injustice in the age of the wealth gap. Spiegel & Grau.
  7. Donald, A. G. (2017). Police and black lives: Is there a role for the police in addressing discriminatory police practices? Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 26, 1-37.

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Unveiling Discrimination: Police Brutality Against African Americans. (2023, Aug 15). Retrieved from https://edusson.com/examples/unveiling-discrimination-police-brutality-against-african-americans

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