Government And Politics

Essay examples
Essay topics

15 Examining the Ineffectiveness of the War on Drugs: The Failed Crusade

For centuries, the human mind has been enamored with the mind-blowing effects of substances that they can put into their bodies. Never before, however, has this drug use become more prevalent than now. The War on Drugs has been an ongoing and ineffective tactic meant to steer U.S. citizens away from drug use, but instead, […]

16 Cold War Era: Tensions, Triumphs, and a Legacy of Creativity

The Origins: WWII Endings and the Inception of the Cold War Soon after WWII ended, the Cold War transpired. It would not be fair to say that one nation was particularly at fault since many say that the Cold War was inevitable, as the Soviet Union was for communism, and we were not. The two […]

17 Harnessing Army Values: Embracing Diversity for Organizational Success

The purpose of this essay is to show how diversity is fundamental to an organization’s development and success. Statistics show diversity, without a doubt, is becoming more and more predominant in all aspects of daily life. The US Army, in particular, is one of those organizations that is composed of individuals from different countries and […]

18 922A WOAC Evolution: Integrating Army Values

922A WOAC Evolution: Integrating Army Values Previous 922A Warrant Officer Advance Courses (WOAC) carried a reputation of being a repetitive course, useless, and a waste of time. Consequently, from what was being said, there was no sense of urgency for me to attend the course when the majority of what was being said about the […]

19 Championing Army Values: Addressing Sexual Misconduct Within the Ranks

Defining Harassment and Assault: How Army Values are Compromised Sexual assault and sexual harassment continue to be a problem within the Army ranks. But with all the training soldiers are now receiving, why is this still a problem? First, we need to understand what harassment is characterized by. Harassment is unwelcome, inappropriate remarks or physical […]

20 Empowering Future Forces through Army Values and Advanced Sustainment

Strategic Sustainment: Army Values in Action Background. The U.S. Functional Concept for Sustainment is the framework for providing logistics, personnel services, and health service support to build creative development and integration of inter-organizational, multi-national, and joint partners for future capabilities. Personnel and systems sustain the Army’s operation to integrate processes and deliver services and support. […]

21 Understanding Army Values: Leadership, Trust, and the Making of Professionals

The Five Pillars: Trust, Expertise, Stewardship, and More Young Americans believe that joining the Army is just another job. That is not true; the Army has developed itself to being something more than a job but it is a profession. It hasn’t been easy to sustain that image when you constantly hear soldiers on the […]

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