Social Issues

Essay examples
Essay topics

113 Addressing the Urgent Need to Combat Human Trafficking

Introduction Human trafficking is when someone is forced into sexual behaviors. Human trafficking is known as “white slavery.” Human trafficking should be prohibited in the world, and traffickers should serve a reasonable time in jail. No one should ever get used for sex against their own will if they don’t feel comfortable doing it. It […]

114 Human Trafficking: A Growing Epidemic and the Urgent Need for Awareness

Introduction Human trafficking is the new age version of slavery. It involves forcefully taking a person using fraud, lies, and coercion to get some work (labor) or sexual activity in return. Human trafficking does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, male, female, thin, fat, old, or young. There is no concern about one’s religion, income, or […]

115 Unraveling the Complex Web of Human Trafficking: A Call for Deeper Research

Introduction Most investigations on human and drug trafficking arguments have taken a narrow or just focus on a specific country or have a very loose deep approach. Many researchers have focused on Europe, basically in the Middle East. They focus on an inclusive region for its use of first-hand data collection on human and drug […]

116 Balancing Freedom and Security: Examining the Impact of Gun Violence

Introduction What is the purpose of government? The U.S. Constitution answers this perfectly; “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity…” (U.S. Constitution, Preamble). […]

117 Stricter Gun Control and Its Implications on Gun Violence

Introduction The recent spate of gun violence and death in the U.S. has, for the umpteenth time, charged up debate on gun control laws. The battle line is clear with proponents and opponents of stricter regulations. Nevertheless, as the debate rages on to become a significant political issue, civilians can still buy guns freely. Proponents […]

118 The Urgent Need to Address Gun Violence Through Comprehensive Gun Control

Introduction There are many reasons why guns hold so much weight in our world and why they are such a big deal, “what kind of guns should be available for sale to the public?” “who should be allowed to buy them?” “where can they be carried?”. These questions create the debate about gun control, which […]

119 Stricter Gun Laws and the Battle Against Gun Violence

Introduction The publisher of this article is Ashley Welch. She is a CBS journalist that largely focuses on political topics, one being gun control and new legislation for them. This article was published on March 6, 2018. The publishing date relates to the topic as this was published a few months after many mass shootings […]

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